Cyber Assurance

Cyber Essentials Scheme

Cyber Essentials certification is a simple but effective, government-backed scheme that will help you to protect your organisation, whatever its size, against a range of the most common cyber attacks. It is also be a benchmark to others that you are a certified organisation takes cyber security seriously.

Cyber Essentials helps you to guard against the most common cyber threats and demonstrate your commitment to cyber security. More information can be found at the Cyber Essentials site.

Who can certify me?

A directory of companies that can help you to get certified can be found here in the Directory of Accreditation Bodies. Read the details about each of these companies and choose one which feels like a good fit for your organisation.

Who is certified?

Search for Organisations holding a Cyber Essentials Certificate issued in the last 12 months can be found at the Cyber Essentials site.